Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Good, Random, Fun ~ Week 42

the GOOD
still so much beauty to behold outside
zinnias, harlequin glorybower (smells like peanut butter), mushrooms popping up
raindrops on petals and sunflowers

my artist in residence creating a new masterpiece, the roof of our new church building
playing a wedding, a new bag and case for my violin

the FUN
someone turned 9!
we went to the pumpkin patch and celebrated with a rainbow theme

I'm linking up with Good, Random, Fun and Life Through the Lens


  1. So much to celebrate this week! Thanks for linking up (-:

  2. Great collage of photos. I love the flowers at the top and that frog on the mushroom, how fantastic!

  3. Neat collages. - Loving the frog in the first one and the girls holding hands in the pumpkin patch.
