Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Photo Treasure Hunt ~ Red and Green

This week we were hunting for red and green things to photograph. Here's what I found....

Now it's your turn....

The rules are simple.
  1. Link up by entering the URL to your blog post (make sure it's a link to the actual blog post and not just your blog).
  2. Be sure to link back to either Yvonne or myself and tell others you are doing so. Feel free to grab our button code.
  3. Set aside some time to visit the other participants and leave some comment love.
  4. Take note of the next week's theme and start collecting more photos.
  5. You can also join us on instagram...simply tag your photo with #phototreasurehunt
I should also mention that we reserve the right to remove anyone's submission if it fails to meet the link-up requirements or is inappropriate.

Our theme for next week is lights. Here's a transitional photo for you...


  1. Replies
    1. So funny that you mention that photo of all of husband thought that was so funny that I would put pine needles in boot to photograph them and he was mocking me! So thanks : )
