Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Waterfall Hike With My Girls

This past week we had some exceptional, spring-like weather. I decided we should get outside and go for a quick hike to a favorite waterfall. We haven't been to this waterfall for a couple years, because a forest fire broke out and spread through this area in the fall of 2017. Slowly trails are re-opening. 

We saw plenty of evidence that the fire had blazed here...

But we also saw evidence of the forest coming back to life...

And then we reached the magnificent Wahclella personal favorite in this area.

This is what you get when you ask for a photo from your teen girls...

I'm linking up with Good, Random, Fun and Seasons


  1. I am overdue for a waterfall hike! Love all the moss!

  2. It's good to see your oldest daughter smiling for real. I was concerned about her until you mentioned recently that she got her braces off. It was good to learn the source of those not quite smiles.

  3. Your girls are great in posing (in a natural position). Two years after the fires is pretty fast, they must have done major clean-ups! I remember with the fires in Yosemite Nat. park, even 5 years after that, looking at the trees, made one think it happened last week! Love the waterfalls and the long bridge, and the beautiful white flowers! Many thanks for featuring this forest walk for All Seasons. Have a great hiking week:)

  4. Such beautiful smiles! Looks like an enjoyable hike.

  5. Forest fires are a terrible thing - your photos are gorgeous. & of course the girls are pretty!

  6. There was a massive fire in the area of our cabin in the early 1900s. There is still evidence in the forest. Burned trunks can be found and if you dig into the soil you can find a deep layer of ash. - Margy
