Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Why Did You Move?

People keep asking us..."Why did you move?" 

My husband and I both grew up in smaller towns, and we wanted the same for our girls. The reason we waited so long was that my husband has a really good job and it's in the city. He looked at other job possibilities, but nothing seemed like a good fit. When he got clearance to work from home one day a week, and commute the other three...that's when we began searching for a house in Hood River in earnest. And the commute? - It's one of the most beautiful drives ever along the Columbia River through the gorge and takes less than an hour.

Living just outside a city has perks, but living in a smaller community offers peace. There is less crime, and as our girls get older we want to give them more freedom. We feel like we can do that here.

There are new opportunities for all of us here, and the big one for me is the community orchestra. I have joined and it's so nice to have this outlet. We rehearse weekly and I've met some fun people and great musicians. Our first concert is Broadway show tunes - Hamilton, Les Miserables, Sound of Music, West Side Story and more!

And the girls...they are doing great. My oldest might have preferred not to move, but she likes the new house and is doing well with the change. It's been a great shared experience for our family. We put in a lot of hard work to make this house ours, and the girls have been part of that. We've had a lot of fun times, too - sitting in the hot tub, jumping on the trampoline, star gazing and exploring our new town.

So why did we move? We moved for our family - to build memories and enjoy a fuller life together.

I'm linking up with Little Things Thursday

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