Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

My New Garden

We've had a whirlwind beginning to August! We held an open house at our current home over the weekend and closed on the new house the next day. My husband and I are not ones to do things slowly or bit by bit. We both work swiftly and purposefully until projects are done and this new house is no different. We've already started moving boxes, painting rooms and doing yard work at the new house and we weren't even planning to close on the house until later this month!

Last night I took a walk around the house and gardens to see what was there for me to work with. It's all very over grown and needs a lot of work, but I'm excited at the potential.

I have a lot of hydrangea varieties and rose of Sharon bushes on the property.

I also have three rows of grape vines that are full of grapes! And these should be ripe and ready for eating shortly after we move in permanently.

I'm so eager to work in the yard and start cleaning up the gardens, but first I must paint the interior of the house. It's a lot of work in the next few weeks, but it's good work and it will be satisfying to see it come together and the house become our new home. The last time we moved, the girls were 3 and 5 years old - not much help! This time they are 11 and 13 - the perfect age for learning some of these skills.

I'm linking up with 


  1. I use to not know what a Hydrangea flower was except for the past couple of years, and I love them. I've still to plant one though, and grapes, that is awesome. The eating and the jellies to make. Sounds so lovely. Congratulations on the sale of and purchase of a home.

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles

  2. How exciting!! I love the process of making something your own!

  3. How wonderful to have a new garden to call your own. With the work it will become your own in a new way. I’m so glad you have grapes to enjoy! I’ve noticed a lot of hydrangeas (“hortensia”) and Rose of Sharon here in France—it’s fun that you have those too. What delight!

  4. Lovely! I am sad all my hydrengas are gone. My mom didn't trim them back and so they didnt bloom as much this year.
