Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Six Word Friday ~ FACE

FACE - it's how I learned the
 four names of the space notes 

line notes were a little trickier...
five notes instead of four, and
they didn't spell a cute word

instead, each letter...EGBDF stood for
every good boy deserves fudge OR
every good boy does fine OR
elvis goes boppin down (the) freeway

How did you learn your notes?

linking up with Six Word Fridays


  1. Oh my! This brought such a smile to my face!! I never heard the Elvis one ~ but the others were engraved in my brain forever. I'm always so grateful that I learned how to read music at the same time I learned to read.....kind of like my kids learning two languages at the same time. Stays with you forever!

  2. Sadly I cannot read music--something I am trying to give my children, though!

  3. Very clever, for this theme, and it's something we're just doing ourselves!

  4. I definitely learned FACE and every good boy deserves fudge. What fun memories you brought back of our music teacher in elementary school (grades 1-8) with her old fashioned dresses and white hair and a room full of squirely kids. Somehow we all survived : ) Happy weekend Jill!
