Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Thursday, April 9, 2015


taking a moment to find joy in the little things


I really think spring is the most beautiful time here in the Pacific Northwest. Because of all the rain we get, we are able to grow so many different varieties of plants and trees. Right now the trees are pink and it's gorgeous!


My yongest and I are pretty good buddies. We enjoy walks at night and she's often eager and willing to pose for me during photo shoots.


These are two of my favorite images from the week, but if you look closely you can see that in the first photo, my girl is holding the bow in the wrong hand

And in this second image, you can see my older girl's purple coat in the tree - she was climbing a tree while we were taking photos.


I've been gone for 5 days...just got home last night. I feel a bit crazy with everything that I need to do now that I'm home - school, yard work, running, groceries and more! 

Also...I'm learning the profound truth of the saying "grief is the price we pay for love." I am missing and grieving the loss of my grandma much more than I thought I would. She and I had a special relationship, and I cherish my memories. But right now I am still fully grieving her loss. 


  1. These are some pretty amazing pictures!!!! beautiful! I think I liked you in IG somehow, and now I come across your blog! :) Hope the time comes when you remember your grandma without so much pain!

  2. Great photos, focus and tone! Great to meet you and learn of your talent via the view here.


  3. Gorgeous photos. I love the pink blooms. My neighbor has two of those trees and I have always been jealous, but in a good way. I'm so sorry you are hurting for the loss of your precious grandmother. I love what you said about grief. That is so true.

    1. Thanks, Kim. It's hard to know she's gone, but I have wonderful memories.

  4. Wow, so pretty. I am so ready for Boston to bloom!
    I hope the memories of your grandmother continue to be a blessing for you.

    1. Thanks, Tamar. I have lovely memories of her that will last me a lifetime.

  5. I love me some dogwood blooms! Your photos are great!

  6. Your photos are beautiful...I have been looking at some older posts too. These dogwoods are exceptional...we are color starved here in Wisconsin...pretty much sepia with a bit of green grass. It's April, spring has to be here soon. I'm sorry for the loss of your grandmother...

    1. Thank you - I was in Illinois earlier this week and was surprised at how the midwest is still waiting for spring! It seemed so dreary.

  7. Lots of gorgeous pinkness here for sure. I loved it all and your girl is adorable. I know losing someone you love is really hard but cherish those memories.

  8. Beautiful moments and very pretty pink flowers. I hope you treasure the memories of your Grandmother.

  9. So pretty, I love all the blossom and that very first image is utterly stunning


  10. Beautiful pictures. I love seeing the blossom coming into bloom after winter. Popping over from #WordlessWednesday

  11. LOOOOOOVVVEEE this pinkalicious.. this is our feture for LTTL.

    Oh friend I feel your grief... sending you great big {{{cyber hugs}}} and oh, what a blessing to have such a wonderful grandmother.
