Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Monday, April 20, 2015

Good, Random, Fun ~ Week 15

sharing snaps from my instagram feed
(I love instagram! You can find me there at fiddlejill)

the GOOD
I had my fill of nature this week and it was good for my soul
walking in parks and hiking in forests
fiddle heads

raindrops and cool little insects on purple flowers

a night away and wine tasting with my husband, sunshine and blue skies
wishes and rainbows

the FUN
One of my favorite things about instagram are the hubs that provide prompts
This week the hub @itsmyweek had the theme #myweekofcurrentlyreading
a rainbow of children's classics, my current, personal pile
lots of eighth notes

I'm linking up with Good, Random, Fun


  1. Wow. First what a fun place to hike, second your photos are dreamy, delightful and expert!

  2. Those books - LOVE the colors - and FiddleJill found fiddles (:

  3. Your instagram feed keeps me smiling!! So fun to see them all collected!

  4. that fiddlehead picture, the one in the middle with your violin... oh, I think a canvas on your wall... maybe ;-)
