Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Black and White Wednesday

I'm a big fan of color - especially in photography and even more so in nature photography. Yet, I love the challenge of finding images to edit in black and white. I just completed a month long challenge on instagram of posting a black and white photo each day. For me, the part of the challenge I enjoyed most was determining which images transfered best to black and white. 

What's your favorite part of black and white photography?

Linking up with  Black and White Wednesday 


  1. Stunning picture. I love the way it brings out the detail in a picture that might otherwise be missed due to the distraction of colour.

  2. Beautiful b&w photo!
    My b&w contribution:

  3. I like the way b & w brings out details in pictures that sometimes we miss in color such as the shape, form, lines or texture in a photograph.

  4. Very elegant BW shot of one of nature's gems!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  5. So pretty. I love the details you see that you often don't spot in colour.
