Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Six Word Friday ~ Enough

a six letter word for 2015

each year I choose a word
to help me focus and learn

love, quiet, listen, slow, serve, enough

it's a prayer, it's a statement
it's a reminder, it's a mantra

some lyrics from a favorite song....

two things I beg of you
before I die, do not refuse...
keep lies far from my lips
and liars far from my midst

and please don't give to me
wealth or poverty (riches or poor)
God I ask only for enough
oh enough, God only just enough

rain more than this day's bread
 I may say I'm God instead
take all my crumbs away and
 I may rob and wound your name

and please don't give to me
wealth or poverty
God I ask only for enough
oh enough, God only just enough

this idea comes from Proverbs 30:7-9
and is why this blog is 
named Daily Bread....only just enough

linking up with Six Word Fridays

song and lyrics by Shaun Groves


  1. The lessons from the manna - just enough - have always been some of my favorite. And so very comforting. This is just beautiful!

  2. Just enough for everyone and the world would be a better place.

  3. I love the way you explained the birth of your blog. And... it is enough! We should all take that as our advice. It would be a happy world to be content because what we are given is exactly that... enough!

  4. Jill, I just love this. And the lyrics to that song . . . oh my!
    What a great word to focus on.
    I bit teary-eyed from this.
