Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Horses and Bunnies

taking a moment to find joy in the little things


We had an epic sunset this past week....look at those clouds!

She turned 10! So far we have managed to have very simple birthday celebrations with just the four of us. The past couple years the girls have started asking about having a party so we agreed that a party with friends was in order for the 10th birthday. She was SO excited!

She invited 5 friends and her sister to go horse riding at a stable. It was only an hour long, but that's ok because it was pretty chilly and we were all getting cold.

After the hour of horse riding, we had lunch and cake. The weather wasn't great - gray, cloudy and drizzly - but our only option was an uncovered picnic table outside. When I lit the candles on the cake, everyone tried to warm up their fingers.

These bunnies are just the best pets. They have been so much fun. I love that they live outside, but can easily be brought inside. They are usually content to sit in our laps. The girls got leashes (harnesses) for them so they can walk them around the yard and up and down the sidewalk. It's cute to look out the window and see them walking their rabbits. 


  1. Oh, my goodness - those little harnesses are way too cute! I can imagine the neighbors do a double-take when they see a bunny at the end of a leash!

  2. Great photos - ALWAYS!
    Thanks for sharing at

  3. What a fun birthday! And a bunny on a leash!!! That is awesome!

  4. Ha! Rabbit harnesses! That is so great! Happy birthday again, Syd!

  5. Happy Birthday to Miss Sydney and wow that sunset is amazing!

  6. All you photos depict joy...but that epic sunset is possible the most amazing sunset I've ever seen!

  7. My girl LOVED riding. She misses it a ton! Happy Birthday to your double digit girl. That was always a big day in our house. And those bunnies, you make me want one. I'm so glad you found the new blog. Sorry I forgot to put it out there for everyone, I think a bit of fear played into that. ;-D

  8. Horses, bunnies, beautiful skies and a birthday! YeeHaw! Fun post.

  9. The sky look like it would burn.... amazing!

  10. The goodness just kept on coming. First, those sweet horses in coats! The skies were amazing and then the rabbit on a leash! All so wonderful!

  11. It's usually the simple things that are the best!

  12. Love the photos-my Blessing turned 10 in 2013...sniff, sniff.

  13. a horse party is just fantastic! love the bunnies on leashes! :)
