Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Thursday, July 4, 2013

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

taking a moment to capture contentment and joy in every day life


Last week the girls and I went to our first Suzuki violin institute and we had a blast. It was hard, tiring work, but we all learned so much. It was a joy to watch others teach my girls and they came away so motivated.

At institute, the girls both started learning vibrato (for those of you who aren't musicians, this involves shaking or vibrating the hand to produce a fuller, rounder sound). When my oldest first tried this, she would also move her mouth in and out...take a look.

It's been very hot here - hot for this part of the country. And our AC isn't working. I have to hang towels over certain windows throughout the day to help keep the house reasonably cool. This is the downside of minimalist window treatments.

I'm linking up with Like Mother, Like Daughter

round button chicken

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