Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Thursday, July 26, 2012

{pretty, happy, funny, real}


the zinnias are beginning to bloom in my garden

a recent sunsent


we got to get away to celebrate our 16th anniversary

it's Vacation Bible School week at our church


three goofy ladies in my garden


we have a bit of a skunk problem in and around our yard
we've seen five - both during the day and at night
it's put a big damper on playing outside this week

I'm linking up with Like Mother, Like Daughter

round button chicken


  1. Skunks aren't usually out during the day like that, are they? Might be rabid. My zinnias didn't come up, and I didn't get around to replanting.

    1. No, they aren't usually out during the day, and if they are it doesn't necessarily mean they are rabid. It's a whole family and we only saw them during the day two days last week. Usually they come out right at dusk. It's still annoying, though.
