Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Thursday, May 24, 2012

This Day, Thursday

Outside my window~ It's raining. After two weeks of sun and summer like weather, we are back to rain. Thankfully we've had several breaks in the rain with glimpses of the sun most days. And the forecast for the weekend is sunny and warm.

Thankful For ~ My garden. I was able to get it planted a couple weeks ago and I'm so excited to see how much growth has already occurred. I am especially thankful for the seeds I saved from last year's flowers that are sprouting and growing. I'm looking forward to a yard full of veggies, zinnias and sunflowers in the coming months.

Thinking About ~ Mexico! In one week I will be on my way to Mazatlan where I will spend 5 days at Rancho de los Ninos. I am excited to travel there with friends and learn more about this orphanage and the kids who live there. I am very excited to be able to take a violin with me so I can share my music with the kids.

Listening To ~ The hum of the fan and the coffee pot. I'm the only one up and I love the quietness of this part of my day.

Reading ~ As hard as I try to focus on one book at a time, it just doesn't happen. Here's my current stack....

Weekend Plans ~ I think we are going camping - somewhere remote and beautiful. I'm sure there will be a bit of hiking involved as well!

A Photo ~ On our hike last weekend I was intrigued by the curliness of the branches.

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