Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Monday, July 11, 2011

Homeschool Summer - FOILED

My plans for continuing our homeschool schedule throughout summer have been hijacked by my kids. Somehow they discovered the freedom and joy of summer days and will have nothing to do with math books. You know what? I'm OK with this new plan.

As I look out my window into my backyard, I can see them digging through the tall grass looking for frogs and salamanders. They love to create habitats for the creatures they find.

They are much more into making backyard discoveries than practicing their handwriting. They found this beauty the other day in our wetland (swamp).

They also like to measure the growth in the garden each day, and excitedly report to me what has gotten bigger overnight.

BIG changes are coming this fall to the Foley Homeschool Academy - a lot more structure, a lot more curriculum (gasp) One of the reasons I claim to homeschool is to extend my children's childhood. I can't think of a better way than to let them fully enjoy these summer days. Let the interest-led learning begin!


  1. It looks like they are doing the kind of learning that will last a lifetime. Good thing they have such a wonderful teacher. It's things like this that make me wish that I felt that homeschooling was for us :-).

  2. We have been homeschooling since 2005. So great that you are letting them explore their world right now!

  3. Okay so you are still blogging. For some reason your posts stopped showing up in my feed reader. When I saw tanja linked over to you today, I linked up and see that I have missed a lot. I have some reading to do.

    ps - your garden looks amazing and math books should have no pat of summer ;)

  4. oh i so admire you and all home schoolers! i think it would be great creative fun and so rewarding!
    my grandmother taught me how to read perfectly before i even was in kindergarten. i only wish she had taught me math too, because i never got the hang of that.
    we now have highschoolers that can't read... that have never set foot in a museum of art, much less know the great works of the greatest painters of time, nor do they know the works of authors that made a difference in this world.
    it is totally a sad state of affairs.
    date memorization is stupid to me. and that's mainly what it was when i was in school.
    i wanted to be taught how to THINK and to appreciate fine, beautiful things. thank goodness i had parents who provided that. many don't.
    i love this post!
    tammy j
    ps... came by way of the packrat!

  5. Tammy - thanks for coming by and thanks for your words. They are a great encouragement to me.

    I'm a musician (violinist) and my brother is an artist, so making art and music available to my own children is important to me.

  6. Your broccoli looks great! Ours hasn't done much... we think our soil is to blame for our trouble this year. I will munch vicariously via your garden!
