Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Las Vegas

 Las Vegas was never on my list of places to visit....but then we got the opportunity to go and we went! It was different than I expected, and not my normal scene, but I'm so glad we went. I loved walking around and exploring each hotel/resort. I also love dressing up, and each night we dressed up to go out to eat and catch a show. It's not business as normal in Las Vegas, but it's definitely more open than Oregon and it was nice to enjoy a little more freedom. 


New York, New York

Mosaics at the Wynn

the Venetian

the Luxor

Have you been to Las Vegas? If so, I'd love to know which hotel is your favorite to visit? My favorite was the Wynn on the northern end of the strip. It's so beautiful and luxurious. 

I'm linking up with  Good, Random, Fun and Seasons


  1. The venetian is so nuts. We went to the Macau one. I'd love to go to Vegas. You make it look so pretty in your photos #AllSeASONS

  2. I go to see family a lot! Having grown up in another Casino town I don't have a desire to gamble but from time to time enjoy exploring the resorts.

    1. We didn't gamble even a dime - neither of us had the desire.

  3. I enjoyed this post. Someday I would like to visit Vegas but for now I'll just enjoy it through your photos.
