Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter 2020

Happy Easter!

Our church encouraged us to make signs and put them in our yards on Easter morning. The girls helped me make this one for our yard. 

After a slow, restful morning (and watching church online), we went for a long walk. The orchards are in full bloom and the skies are clear with amazing views of the mountains. 

I love seeing how many different kinds of blooming trees there are.

We spotted several other houses with signs...I'd love to know who lives in these houses!

I'm linking up with Good, Random, Fun and Seasons


  1. Such a pretty walk! Happy belated Easter!

  2. Great idea to leave up these signs! It also tells you who you would like to get to know in your new neighborhood! Heartwarming and peaceful scenes:)
    So sorry Jill. Had no idea it was not working, but after your comment I understand why it stopped at the 12th thumbnail.
    I contacted the owner of the linkytools (.) com, and he mostly fixes it within a day. But there may not be a problem, just a weak connection, since I live in the forest at 3000 feet. Any little weather change may weaken the connection. If you have time around Wednesday to try it again? Thanks so much! Have an inspiring week, Jesh
