Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Saturday, November 23, 2019

These November Days

After the glory days of summer and then the glorious displays of autumn, it can be hard to find beauty during the days of November. But it's there. Winter is moss season here in the PNW. When the rain sets in and the days are cooler, the moss thrives.

It grows in the grows on tree grows on the steps. It's pretty much every where and it's beautiful.

Most of the trees are bare...there are a few that hang on to their leaves for a while, but with fallen leaves comes a lot of raking!

I'm linking up with Good, Random, Fun and Seasons


  1. Those orange leaves!! Love the moss on the pavers, too. Great pattern!

  2. Moss I love it! Also really like the view of the stairs with the mos in the cracks:) You may think raking leaves is a lot of work, but I prefer leaves over needles, because, the latter need to be burned (fire ordinance):) Enjoy your Fall week:) Have a great Thanksgiving!

  3. Look at those amazing leaf colours

