Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Sunday, November 11, 2018

When Seasons Collide

Oh've got a tough spot in the calendar year. October preceded you with glorious colors and showy displays. Everyone is always in love with October. 

October is a tough act to follow. November arrives and darkness settles in earlier...temperatures drop...the leaves turn brown. 

November has it's own unique beauty. Often we see the first heavy frost and a collision of autumn and winter. We get to light more candles, drink more hot tea and cozy up in more layers.

And for those of us in the United States, November is a month where we can focus on gratitude in the days and weeks leading up to Thanksgiving. I love November its slower rhythm.

It's nice to kick back and relax a bit before the frenzy of Christmas begins. It's nice to enjoy a bit more of autumn before winter fully arrives. It's nice to intentionally be grateful.

I'm linking up with Good, Random, Fun and Seasons


  1. With our temps this week we've gone right to winter too!

  2. Your photos are beautiful. I've never thought about November being a transition month in terms of changing, cooling, chilling weather. I'm hoping for rain to help quench the horrific fires we're having in California.

  3. Lovely images! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. I love seeing the details that the frost brings out. Great set of shots.
