Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Thursday, June 4, 2015

June Goals and May Update

Last month I created and shared a few goals for myself. I found this to be extremely helpful in how I prioritized my time. Some of my goals were accomplished at the last minute (one I even completed on June 1st), but the important thing is that I made some significant progress and accomplished quite a bit.

My goals for May with an update....

  • drink more water (I currently drink 2-3 glasses and am aiming for 6-8) I definitely drank more water than usual, but I didn't keep track. 
  • read Heaven and Uncle Tom's Cabin. I've already had Uncle Tom's Cabin for 6 weeks and am only a few chapters in. I often start hard to read books, but then get distracted by easier to read books. I need to read a little bit daily and get through these. I did finish Uncle Tom's Cabin (loved it!) and made progress in Heaven. I also read Lessons from Madame Chic by Jennifer Scott and Jesus, Bread and Chocolate by John Thompson
  • read The Wind in the Willows aloud to my girls - NOPE - none of us were enjoying it so we gave up.
  • catch up and stay caught up in daily Bible reading. I got behind during Lent (when I also read through the entire New Testament). I'm only a few days behind at this point, but I want to get caught up. YES!
  • run 90 miles - cumulative (this will be a new record for me if I accomplish it) YES!
  • declutter/organize linen closet YES! 
  • practice violin daily - beyond playing with my students and girls. I really want to get back into this. YES - but some days were better than others
  • follow the Whole30 diet (90% of the time) NOT EVEN CLOSE...I'm an all or nothing girl, so while I generally make good choices most of the time, my diet was not Whole30 compliant.
  • wash windows and clean blinds (this was also my goal for April...) I got the main floor done. 
  • finish strong in homeschool YES! We finished our core curriculum and will do a month of science before completely calling it quits for two months.

Some miscellaneous thoughts and notes about May...
  • I started having my girls unload the dishwasher each morning and vaccuum the main floor of our home each afternoon. They alternate days and chores and it's been a great help.
  • My oldest started mowing the lawn (also very helpful)
  • I did some major yard and garden work (seems to be an annual project)
  • I got a mandolin and have started learning to play it

And now my goals for June...
  • run 75 miles, including a 7, 8 and 9 mile run (one of each) - I'm having a bit of hip pain lately, so I'm going to give myself grace if I don't meet this goal
  • start push up challenge
  • two ab workouts each week
  • practice violin daily
  • practice mandolin daily
  • read Madame Bovary
  • follow Fly Lady method of cleaning and decluttering by zones
  • drink 5 glasses of water each day
  • complete end of school year portfolio
  • book family music gig (or busk somewhere)
  • put together photography portfolio for neighborhood show

Do YOU set monthly goals for yourself?


  1. Way to go, Jill!! I read Uncle Tom's Cabin in high school and loved it - what a book.

  2. The person who originally recommended we get eight 8-oz glasses of water each day added that we get most of that from our food. We tend to ignore that part when setting water drinking goals. We also don't always pay attention to the size of our glasses--many today are 12-oz in stead of 8-oz. It is actually possible to drink too much water so, please, think this out carefully.

    1. Thank you for your concern and words of wisdom and caution...I think it's more about choosing to drink water over other beverages (like diet Coke or tea). In all honesty, I only drink 2-3 glasses a day.

  3. I like the idea of setting monthly goals. I tend to shy away from goals because I am also an all or nothing kinda gal and really struggle when I don't complete them by the given deadline in the way I originally intended. Goals for June might be...1. Finish our homeschool year (still plugging away at math and history) 2. Have 2 training sessions a day with our German Shepherd puppy 3. Continue in my thankfulness journal...I'm at #946 and the original goal was #1000! 4. Complete two photography assignments. 5. Find sponsors for two kiddos I'm holding onto currently. All these goals are life giving...I like that! I need to make a plan for Bible study and prayer for this summer though. Need a 6th goal surrounding that.

  4. I lived so rigidly and strictly for so many years...feeling so much of my life was 'measured' that I really had to let go of any kind of goal setting for a while. Lately, I think I've been able to set a few small goals - which seems to be working well - as long as there is an end in sight. It's taken all of my 54 years to begin to treat myself with any kind of grace...So I have to watch carefully, or those feelings of not measuring up sneak right back in. I'm finding I do better with themes...and am working on a vision board for myself - thinking I'll be able to ask myself, gently, if how I'm spending my time is leading me in my desired direction.

  5. that too funny... we did not like the Wind and The Willows either... we put it down as well. A neighborhood show, and an photography portfolio that sounds fun.

  6. that too funny... we did not like the Wind and The Willows either... we put it down as well. A neighborhood show, and an photography portfolio that sounds fun.
