Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Friday, May 15, 2015

Six Word Friday ~ Lock

Along the east side of the 
Willamette River that runs through Portland,

there is an esplanade where many
come to walk, run and bike.

And in one section of this 
esplanade, there is a fence where 
many have come to attach their
locks and throw away their keys.

linking up with Six Word Fridays


  1. How cool! We have a bridge like that in Boston, too!

  2. First, you sure locked in on some beautiful views, and next, I adore that lock fence. It's something I wish we had around here. I may just have to gather a bunch of locks and put one together myself, and hopefully others will follow suit!

  3. I really love these bridges, you'll be amazed how quickly it fills up.

  4. I really love these bridges, you'll be amazed how quickly it fills up.
