Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Thursday, May 7, 2015

May Flowers

taking a moment to find joy in the little things

a quick walk around the neighborhood one evening

what's growing in my yard/garden

Ummmm.....I started making grilled cheese for my daughter for lunch, then remembered to order some photos online. Well, this is proof that I should NOT multitask. After several minutes (and no smell of burning), my daughter asked, "Mom, are you going to flip my sandwich so it doesn't burn?" This is what it looked like when I flipped it...

And to make matters worse, I quickly started a new one and proceeded to post this to instagram. Even though I was standing right in front of it, I managed to burn the second one also. Needless to say, the girls did NOT want grilled cheese the next day for lunch. 

spring cleaning (windows, blinds)
yard work (weeds, garden projects)
homeschool (trying to finish strong)
company (grandma visiting for the weekend) 


  1. Love all the blooms you found ... I love Iris. I giggled at the sandwich ... wonder how many times I've done that?!!! The weekend is coming .. have a good one!

  2. Those flowers!! Wow!! Too funny about the grilled cheese - you could take the two unburnt sides (-:

  3. Can totally relate to the grilled cheese debacle. With me, cooking needs my full attention and yet I seem to have trouble wanting to actually give it my full attention...oh well. These are all so pretty - love that first shot because I think it's so cool how the magic of light and bokeh turns a chain fence into something magical!!

  4. Gorgeous pictures! Love to walk around and soak in all of the natural beauty. As for your grilled cheese... uhemmm been there done that (more than once). I've had to use a butter knife to scrape off the burnt layer. It's the smokey version. ;)

  5. Those flower pictures made my day. As far as the grilled cheese, I had a similar quesadilla incident today. I was standing right in front of it, but I was thinking about something else. I had to eat that one myself. :-)

    Abbey @ Surviving Our Blessings

  6. Stunning photos - gorgeous!
    Thanks for sharing them at

  7. Love the flowers! Is the purple and white Columbine? I love it. Oh your poor grilled cheese sandwiches! There is such a brief margin of time from toasted to burnt.

  8. Super gorgeous flowers. Oh yes I've had that burnt grilled cheese happen before too. I completely understand.

  9. Some day, when I come to visit, we will have to go one a walk and chat about flowers... you capture them so well friend. LOL, that burnt toast is perfection to me. I kind of love burnt things, weird I know.
