Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


taking a moment to find joy in the little things

It's been a while since we've done any real hiking, but we were able to get out and enjoy this little trail.

We've had many backyard visitors lately. It probably helps that we've been keeping the bird feeder full of food! It's fun to watch all the different varieties of birds take turns at the feeder. We've even turned it into a little homeschooling science unit.


This girl somehow contracted pneumonia and was really sick for several days. She's finally turned the corner and is on her way to being healthy. I knew she was feeling better when she argued with me about doing school work. So thankful we were able to avoid a hospital stay. And I've canceled all our upcoming outings because I don't want to risk catching any of the junk going around. 


  1. Glad your girl is doing better! It's been a terrible flu season!

  2. hope your daughter is feeling better. lovely pics!

  3. Lovely photos as always. Your poor daughter - I hope she's feeling better now!

  4. So sorry she got so ill!! Hope she mends quickly so you can get back out into your beautiful natural surroundings!

  5. Beautiful series of nature photography and your daughter is beautiful ~ Sending lots of distant reiki healing for her ~ xo

    Happy Weekend coming to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  6. Wow - that chalet looks as if it's just perched on the edge precariously, looks a great walk. #lifethruthelens

  7. Love the red house and the bridge. I hope your daughter feels better.

  8. Such beauty! Pneumonia stinks tho!

  9. SO much beauty! I love the red cabin in the woods. How dreamy! Hope your girl feels well soon. Sometimes it is best to call a time out on being among the masses to protect ourselves.

  10. Lovely shots! The drops on the web are just gorgeous!

  11. What a spectacular hike! Is that red house yours? Looks like such a wonderful quiet getaway. I hope the little one gets well soon! This has been a tough winter season for illness.

  12. Can I come visit just so we can go hiking together? ;-) Pneumonia stinks, so glad your little bit is better.
