Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Thursday, February 26, 2015


taking a moment to find joy in the little things

Spring is in full bloom here...each day more and more trees and plants waking up and blooming. It's at least a month earlier than least. I absolutely love the beauty of this time of year. 

we still adore the bunnies...

Whie etaking photos of the bunnies, I looked over and noticed some carrots are growing in my garden! I haven't planted anything, so they must be left over from last summer. 

Despite the fantastic weather, February has been tough in terms of health. First my oldest daughter was very sick with pneumonia, then my youngest daughter also managed to get a more mild case of pneumonia. And now it's my turn to be sick..stuffed up nose, runny eyes and sneezing attacks. 


  1. So jealous of your flowers!
    Feel better!!!

  2. Gosh I can't wait for spring - your photos are so lovely!
    Thanks for sharing at

  3. I feel warmer already!!! I was starved for the color green. Wonderfully PRETTY! Thanks!

  4. Oh, spring pictures! What hope - it's coming. :)

  5. Your photos are lovely. In my area of the world, we had ear;y spring the past two years. This year it will be later which I prefer.

    Boo for pneumonia. I had it every winter for the past three. not fun at all. Feel better soon.

  6. Beautiful blooms! Makes me wistful for spring here, but we have at least two more months before our trees will be blooming.

  7. Oh my!!! Spring is coming in spite of winter...lovely photos!!! The flowers are exquisite!!! Have a grand day!

  8. Wow, such lovely photos! Can't wait until I can have green as a backdrop instead of white. Hope you feel better soon. Pneumonia has been going around in our area too but luckily we haven't been affected so far.

  9. Oh how lovely, the trees are in full pollen mode here on the gulf coast, and going through kleenex fast! Sorry your kids were sick, pneumonia is no fun!

  10. The PNW early spring feels like such a gift! Your pictures are beautiful (as always) and those bunnies almost as sweet as the ones holding them - you are a blessed mama. Hope you are all feeling better soon.

  11. Those flowers are so beautiful and so it that sky. The bunnies are super cute. I hope you are all well and healthy soon.

  12. The weather looks amazing and incites envy among us all! Sorry for the health battles, and I hope you recover soon. My hubby has the same terrible cold this week.

  13. Crocuses and carrots, you are so blessed friend. Soon enough Ill be there, I keep holding on. But, until then I have your place, which I love to visit.
