Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wildflowers and My Backyard

taking a moment to find joy in the little things

On Mother's Day we went for an afternoon hike to an area known for its variety of wildflowers. There were so many different kinds and I had fun capturing some. 

I am thrilled with my garden and yard this year. It's so fun to see how big and hearty the perennials are getting. Each year they look better and better. This is the first year I don't feel the need to spend a ton of money to add plants. I was also excited to see the seeds I planted a couple weeks ago sprouting.

I planted this clematis last year and it was pathetic. Now it's growing and blooming quite nicely! 

The hostas get bigger and fuller every year, too. 

And the foxgloves (I got for free) are blooming. They keep spreading so I have more and more every year.

Dead giveaway that we are homeschoolers!!

I lied a little bit earlier when I said this was the first year I don't feel the need to spend $ and add plants. I really want to create a beautiful path and garden on this side of the house. I have several ferns and hostas to work with. I also got a bunch of rocks from our church property for free last week. My goal is to create something nice and pretty with minimal to no investment. The problem is that I think I will need dirt and mulch and that will cost $. I hate the chain link fence and would love to cover it up somehow. Suggestions are welcome....


  1. I planted grape vines along our chain link fence. They were spreading nicely but we moved before they matured enough to prove edible grapes.

    1. I have one grape vine, but it's in a pot sitting next to the fence. I hesitate to plant anything that will take over the fence because technically it's not our fence. We live next to a swampy area that is maintained by the city and the fence is there to keep people out.

  2. Wow, that cornflower (right?) is so bright!!

    I really like the grape idea...or maybe is there enough sun for some bean plants? You'd have to replant every year, though.

    1. That area is all shaded.The part of the fence that extends into our yard is in the sun, but as I said above, it's not technically our fence. I did plant morning glories and black eyed susan vines along the back yard fence part and I'm hoping it at least dresses the fence up a bit.

  3. Love when I can get out with my camera to take pictures of nature and wildflowers. Looks like you found some very great flowers to photograph. Love the smile on the littlekins. She's adorable. My grandson often accompanies me on my photography outings :)

    1. Sometimes I get so caught up in photographing nature that I forget to capture the people I'm out hiking with!

  4. Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing this lovely post at Floral Love :)

  5. Magnificent series of photos and little girl is adorable ~ xoxo

  6. You found some beautiful things! I love the foxgloves! They are gorgeous!

    1. I love them, too. I've been told I might regret bringing them into my yard because they begin to spread like weeds, but so far I love the addition to my garden. And I figure if they start growing where I don't want them, I'll simply dig them up and move them.

  7. What a gorgeous place to wander!

    1. It really is a nice trail - and there are enough different trails that it doesn't get too crowded.

  8. The poppy is amazing and so are the blue flowers!

  9. Beautiful flowers and great color. The prettiest wild flower is the two legged one...:)

  10. Lovely flowers! I love the clematis and the cornflower. The blue colour is very pretty.

  11. These are terrific shots ...
    wonderful flowers ..
    Greetings, Karin

  12. Oh how I miss the wild flowers of Germany. You have the exact same one, but your climate is very similar so that is no huge surprise. The blue flowers, we called them wheat flowers becasue they grew in the wheat are my absolute favorite ones.

    When we finally arrive at our forever home, I plant to bring wildflowers in too... I'm going to do what you do. If they grow where I don't want them Ill move them to a new home :)
