Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Friday, April 19, 2013

My Week

I wash, fold and put away loads of laundry.

I read aloud to the girls. Picture books, chapter books, history lessons, Bible stories.

I read to myself. Books, blogs, news reports, emails.

I walk. Around the neighborhood, to the post office, around the new church property, around the yard.

I pray. For our church building campaign. for our country and all those involved in the horrific Boston attack, for my upcoming trip, for friends who need healing, for Compassion Sunday.

I teach. Math, history, violin, viola, writing, grammar, Bible, spelling, and more.

I write. Letters to grandparents, letters to Compassion kids, emails, blog posts and devotionals.


  1. Jill, I will be praying for you and the team as you travel down to Mexico this week and for your family while you are away. Ohh how I wish I was able to join this time but God had other plans. Hoping to be able to go the next time around. I know you and the team will do great work down there and spreading the gospel and working on the projects to help those at the orphanage. I can't wait til you get back to see pictures and hear all about it. Be safe.
