Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Quinoa Mac and Cheese

I've recently fallen in love with quinoa.

I'm not a great cook, but I've been trying quite a few recipes and was curious if quinoa could/would/should replace macaroni pasta in mac and cheese.

I googled it but didn't find anything interesting.

So I experimented.

And I fell in love all over again.

I've even served it to several different people who all gave their approval. Even my 5 years old daughter prefers the quinoa version to the pasta version.

Here's what I do.....

Quinoa Mac and Cheese Casserole

1 (16oz) cottage cheese                                             2 C shredded cheddar
1 (80z) sour cream                                                    2 C quinoa
1 large egg                                                                  paprika
¾ tsp salt                                                                   1 C breadcrumbs
½ tsp pepper                                                             3 T butter

·        Cook quinoa while prepping other ingredients.
·        In a large bowl, combine the cottage cheese, sour cream, egg, salt, pepper and cheddar cheese. Stir well.
·        Drain quinoa (if necessary) and add to bowl. Stir to combine
·        Spoon into lightly greased casserole baking dish and sprinkle with paprika.
·        Melt butter and stir in breadcrumbs. Spread on top for crusty top.
·        Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

     You're welcome.


  1. That sounds amazing! How can you go wrong with all that cheese? We will have to try it one of these days!
