Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Crossing a Line....

I'm going to cross an invisible line that I've drawn for myself....I'm going to talk about one of the things that is most dear to me on this blog. You see, I've categorized myself a bit when it comes to blogging. I have a blog for my family. I have another blog for Compassion International. Yet another blog for Music (yes, I've started another blog). And of course there is this one.

But I'm crossing the line and want to talk for a moment about Compassion.

You see, my involvement with Compassion is partly what inspired me to live more simply. This desire to do without and give more stems from my relationships I've developed with children I sponsor in different parts of the world.

This week there is a group of bloggers in the Philippines. They are there to see the ministry of Compassion and blog about their experiences. None of it is staged, none of it is censored.

You may be skeptical, but after being a part of this organization for 16 years I can tell you they are the real thing. I even saw the ministry in action last summer in Peru.

I LOVE these trips and this one is no exception. To get a look at different cultures, living conditions, children and families. Most importantly to witness the work God is doing through Compassion International in lives all over the world.

The stories and photographs are beautiful and heartbreaking.

I would love for you to take the time to read every post, but I realize you may not have time (or interest) to read them all.

For my sake, would you at least read this one?

And then if you have more time, try these....

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