Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Monday, May 23, 2011

Declutter Challenge

I did this last fall and decided it was time for another round.

The challenge is to declutter 5 things for 5 days for a total of
25 things.

Leave a comment if you want to join me. I'll be posting my daily progress for accountability and hope you will do the same. I'm hoping I surpass 25 things, but even getting rid of 25 things will be progress.

Ready?..... Set..... Go!


  1. I need this, so yes, I will accept the challenge. Our church is gathering things for a yard sale next Saturday so the timing is perfect :-)

  2. Kari - Yes! I remember you (and your little Everett). So cool that you found me. We are enjoying Oregon very much - it has so much to offer in the way of hiking and adventure.

  3. Yay, Jill! Glad to hear you're getting rid of stuff. We just completed six weeks of purging our home. It was quite a task, but we got it done and it feels so good!

  4. Nada....I feel like I'm always decluttering. I finish a round and feel content for about a week, then I start another round! It's amazing to me how each round, I am willing to let go of new things.
