Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Coniferous Trees

Half of our property is surrounded by a variety of coniferous trees and plants that create a wonderful privacy border. The other day I was out walking the border, looking at the variety of plants and amazed at the beauty and uniqueness of their new growth.

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  1. I love evergreens. We had so many of them in NJ!

  2. Great macro images!
    Thanks, Jill, for joining us at

  3. I find the differences in the trees fascinating, too. Your photos are detailed and gorgeous.

    Your corner is beautiful this week! Thanks for sharing it at the 'My Corner of the World' link up.

  4. You have captured the beauty of the conifers perfectly Jill.
