Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Sunday, May 10, 2020


I took a walk around my yard this morning, noticing all the babies. My favorite thing about gardening is noticing the stages of growth and development in my plants. I can't take credit for planting most of what is in my yard, but I do spend a great deal of time taking care of everything. I'm learning how to prune for best fruit yield and am pleased with my efforts so far. My trees, bushes and plants are loaded with fruit. 

baby strawberries

 baby plums

baby raspberries

baby blueberries

baby figs

baby grapes

baby apples

baby sunflowers

baby praying mantis

I used to buy praying mantis egg sacs at the old house. Last year I saw several babies in my garden and was so happy they were there naturally. This year I was in the same part of the garden and noticed several crawling all around. I found the egg sac and assume they had just hatched since there were so many and they were easy to spot.

I'm linking up with Good, Random, Fun and Seasons


  1. My goodness Jill, what an exhilarating journey to see all these babies come up! Wish I could visit your garden with you:):) Many thanks for sharing your joy of this garden with All Seasons! Have a week of discovery, Jesh

  2. Looks like a lot of good things to come in your garden. And you have a praying mantis to help with pest control. - Margy
