Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Transitioning from Winter to Spring

I love discovering the first signs of spring in my yard and garden. I have all sorts of bulbs that are starting to poke up out of the ground (now that the snow has melted!), and this week I noticed that the pussy willows are blooming. 

Two years ago a friend brought me a handful of pussy willows, and I stuck them in a vase for indoor decoration. When I went to get rid of them, I noticed that they had rooted while in the water. I decided to stick them in the ground, and two years later I have a HUGE pussy willow bush! Now each spring I can pick my own and bring them inside.

Also making my home feel extra springy....I bought a bouquet of tulips at the grocery store, and they are making me so happy. 

I'm linking up with Garden AffairGood, Random, Fun and Seasons


  1. The pussy willows are such a sign spring is coming!

  2. That's so neat how you started your own pussy willow bush!

  3. Loved the blooms, I loved the spring atmosphere in your post. Thanks for joining in Garden Affair.

  4. I love pussy willows and yours look great in that vase. What pretty tulips as well.
