Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Sunday, December 8, 2019


December is here!
We woke up to a bit of snow on December 1st - 
and the trees and berries in my backyard looked so festive.

I also found some holly growing in the bushes

It's also Dressember....during the month of December, my daughter and I wear dresses everyday to raise awareness and funds in the fight against human trafficking. This my third year participating and my daughter's second year. In this photo, my oldest daughter was also wearing a dress because we reached a certain goal in our fundraising. 

And it's that time of year when we share our music....
enjoy O Come, O Come Emmanuel

I'm linking up with Good, Random, Fun and Seasons


  1. Ahhh....LOVE hearing you play! Always look forward to these December "concerts". Love to you all!

  2. A very worthy reason to do fundraising for, Jill and thank you mentioning it in your post for All Seasons! love the snowy trees, but for me the red berries below, give it an extra festive touch:) Have a great December week!

  3. We had our first snow last week too. SO pretty!
