Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Some Favorite Things

 In this transition between winter and spring, here are a few of my favorite things...

morning sunshine

fresh flowers in the house

seeing pops of color as the early bloomers emerge

watching the trees and bushes come back to life

blue skies

bright colors - yellow, green, pink, purple

buds, birds and blooms

and this year I love seeing a return to school...
my kids are homeschooled, but I love knowing that the kids in our 
community are getting to return to the classroom 

I'm linking up with Garden AffairGood, Random, Fun and Seasons


  1. I love all your favorite things, flowers, spring, and family

  2. A pretty house and beautiful angles of the flowers you captured! The home school kids had it made last and this year(half of my grand kids)! There was hardly a change for them.
    For the children in public school, it was hard to concentrate on their subjects without the teacher present and to be separated from the teachers and their friends. Really hope the individual states allow normal school life again, because those lockdowns exacerbated depression and increased chance of suicide.
    Enjoy the beauty of spring, Jesh

  3. What a stunning shorts ! Loved the blooms and what a grandeur home . Thanks for joining in Garden Affair.
