Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Sunday, February 14, 2021


 Winter decided to show up all at once and all in one's a beautiful, winter wonderland out there right now! In my next post I'll share some of the macro snowflake photos I captured.

these are my "snow cones"

I decided to dust off my cross country skis and go out for a bit. My favorite walking and running trail makes a great cross country trail in the snow. 

I'm linking up with Garden AffairGood, Random, Fun and Seasons


  1. Wow!! Hood River got tons!! My sister has a nice amount in the city too, they got some ice though!

  2. Your first and last capture make me sigh and smile! Oh, that is you, eh? Am happy you took this as an occasion to put your ski's on! Happy snow trails, and if you fall, fall soft:) Jesh
    PS it stsrted snowing today where I live in TX - today it comes down to 11 degr. and tomorrow to 4 degr.So much for a "southern" state!

  3. Perfect conditions for cross country! Love it! After weeks of sun and frost, it's snowing heavy today.

  4. Beautiful! It snowed in the PNW for my birthday weekend. ��❄ I especially like the firs with the pinecones.

  5. Lovely snow scenes. Thanks for joining in Garden Affair .
