Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Sunday, May 24, 2020


I've now done 7 puzzles since quarantine began. At the time, I only owned 2. I quickly acquired 4 from a friend and was inspired to purchase 2. I have since purchased one more, but I need  break so I won't be doing it anytime soon. 

I have already given away the 4 that I had acquired from a friend...I was done with them and she didn't want them back. I put them by the side of the road with notes that said "FREE" and they were gone within a couple hours! 

National Parks....I did this one by myself. It was one I previously owned and had done before with my mom.

This is one I got from a friend. The trick with this one is that there was no picture to follow, so you didn't know what you were trying to put together. Also...look at how wonky some of the pieces are shaped. My family helped me with this one towards the end.

Marvel characters....I saw this on line and my daughters love the Marvel movies. We all worked on this one together!

This was another one from a friend that I did on my own. It was much grass and sticks and rocks. I was happy to let this one go!

I picked this one up at a store locally - I was walking downtown and saw that the store was open. I ducked in and decided to support a local business. My bird loving, musical daughter and I did this one together.

Victoria - another one I previously owned and had done once before. This one didn't take too long.

This was the hardest puzzle I've ever done. I almost quit multiple times, but my daughters encouraged me to persevere. 1500 many that looked alike. I was also happy to see this one go!

I'm linking up with Good, Random, Fun and Seasons


  1. SO fun! I have done 4 - I ordered more a month ago...they're walking to me 🤦🏻‍♀️

  2. Can see why the last one is hard - similar colors at different places! Used to be a puzzle fanatic, had several of 1500 and over. These months I've been involved in more practical projects like knitting socks and tops (first time).
    Fun that you keep All Seasons up to date with your daily/weekly projects:) Have another fun-project week, Jesh

  3. The Super Grow one is funny. Some look really hard. I like doing puzzles on my iPad. It's a bit like cheating though, but easier to carry around. - Margy

  4. I've also been working puzzles again lately. Our apartment complex has a cupboard where people can place puzzles they are done with and take ones new to them. I bought several before I discovered that. Now I've discovered so I'm working them online. The time to work those is measured in minutes rather than hours or days, though. so they are not as challenging.

  5. Wow! Those look hard and time consuming. The garden puzzle is my favorite.

  6. I have been doing lots of puzzles lately too; I put together one 1500 piece puzzle and though so many times of quitting. I decided 1000 is my limit. You have lots of real pretty ones too.
