Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs 30:8

Sunday, March 31, 2019


It's daffodil season here in my town. We took a long walk this afternoon and I was delighted to see so many different kinds of daffodils.

white with yellow centers

yellow with orange centers

all yellow - classic

growing outside of businesses

fancy ones

pointed ones

and white with orange centers

I'm linking up with Good, Random, Fun and Seasons


  1. What a feast! Never saw the fancy ones:) My favorites are the white with yellow hearts. Many thanks for sharing these beauties with All Seasons! Have a lovely week, Jill!

  2. Such a pretty welcome of spring!

  3. Oh, how wonderful !
    I love daffodils so much.
    so much.
    Nice photos
    My contribution :
