Our homeschool plans changed big time this year, and we found ourselves having to find and choose new curriculum. While looking for a history curriculum, I ran across this Civics study. This is an area I'm pretty weak in and since we've done world history and US history a couple times now, I thought this might be interesting for all of us. So far it's been a great fit!
I absolutely love the foundation that Classical Conversations has laid for us (I guess that's why they call the early years Foundations!). This curriculum is written from a Christian perspective, which at times I appreciate and other times I cringe (I'm very wary of civil religion).
Anyway, one day we headed to our local library to find a copy of Oregon's state constitution, and then we headed over to the courthouse to look around. It's so nice to be able to do this easily now that we are in a smaller county!
And now we have local and state elections coming up - so much to learn about and talk about!
I'm linking up with Little Things Thursday
I love to hear kids learning about civics!!